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Matthew 25:40

'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me.'

Matthew 25:40 Program: Nourishing Hearts, Uplifting Lives

Welcome to the Matthew 25:40 Program, a guiding light of hope and sustenance for those in search of assistance. Firmly rooted in compassion and driven by an ardent desire to create tangible change, this initiative serves as a steadfast companion to individuals grappling with the harsh realities of hunger and unmet necessities.

At its core, the Matthew 25:40 Program stands as a resolute response to the pleas of those whose needs remain unaddressed through existing channels. Our mission is unwavering: to ensure that every individual, regardless of age, finds sustenance and care within their reach. With this mission in mind, we take great pride in offering a food pantry that goes beyond the ordinary, catering to the unique needs of those requiring specialized support.

Among our notable undertakings is the provision of fresh fruits to the youngest members of our community – school children who rightfully deserve the nourishment essential for their growth and well-being. For two years, we faithfully distributed fresh fruits on a weekly basis to second graders.

The genesis of this remarkable initiative traces back to the experiences of Helen Charette and her sister Merlene Tanner. Having grown up in East Texas during the shadow of the Great Depression, they intimately understood the scarcity of consistent access to fresh fruits. These early hardships ignited a passionate determination within them, fueling a vision that no child would have to endure similar deprivation.

Inspired by the unyielding determination of her mother and aunt, Robbie Gail Charette breathed life into their aspirations. Empowered with the means to effect change, she embarked on a mission to gift elementary children with fresh fruit – a simple yet profound gesture that resonates with love and reverence for her family's history.

The heartwarming narratives that unfold within the Matthew 25:40 Program echo the sentiments of gratitude and joy emanating from the children whose lives are touched by the gift of fresh fruits. With each bite savored, they partake in a tribute to the legacy of Helen Charette and Merlene Tanner, serving as a reminder that the ripple of compassion can transcend generations.

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